Sunday, June 14, 2009

Geographic Based Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

If you have a business that only has brick and mortar stores in a small geographic region (eg. one city) and doesn't have a huge presence on the web (eg. thousands of new visitors a month via organic search) you should consider launching a geographic based pay-per-click campaign.

Most major ad networks (including Google, Yahoo and MSN) allow you to display your pay-per-click ads only in the geographic region you specify. For example, if you are business that has 3 brick-and-mortar stores in San Francisco that sells "website consulting widgets" you can bid and have your ads display on the keyword phrase "website consulting widgets" to only people that search the term "website consulting widgets" in the city of San Francisco.

Include the term "website consulting widgets" in your ad along with the city name (San Francisco in my example) and the value proposition why customers should buy your product over your competitors. Include an online coupon on your pay-per-click landing page that can be used online or in store. The use of the online coupon in your stores will allow you to track the source of the lead and it will also help customers remember your store if they print out the online coupon while continue to research the product they want to buy online.

To learn more about our Pay-Per-Click Website Consulting services contact our website consulting team.

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